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Cupping is an ancient technique, used in many cultures, in which a special cup is applied to the skin and held in place by suction. The suction draws superficial tissue into the cup, improvement circulation which promotes healing naturally. The cups may be left in place or moved along the body in a sliding fashion. Think of sliding cupping as a reverse massage for your muscles. Instead of adding pressure and pushing the tissue DOWNWARDS, the suction used in sliding cupping pulls everything UPWARDS, allowing for fresh, oxygenated blood to circulate through tight muscles, stubborn knots and irritated fascia. The cup is able to slide while retaining its suction when we use massage oil to provide glide to the area that we are working on, which commonly feels like a deep-tissue massage. Clients absolutely LOVE cupping and the technique quickly becomes one of their favorite treatments. After their first cupping experience, I then have clients requesting it all the time!

Gua sha

Gua sha is the practice of using a tool to apply pressure and scrape the skin to relieve pain and tension. This action causes light discoloration, which often appears as purple or red spots known as petechiae or sha. Raising sha removes blood stagnation considered pathogenic in traditional East Asian medicine. Modern research shows the transitory therapeutic petechiae produces an anti-inflammatory and immune protective effect that persists for days following a single Gua sha treatment accounting for the immediate relief that patients feel from symptoms both chronic and acute. 

Tui Na

Tui na means "pushing grasping," and is a powerful form of Chinese medical bodywork. Based on the same Oriental medical principles as acupuncture, tui na seeks to improve the flow of Qi through the meridian channels. Tui na is particularly effective for conditions involving muscles, tendons and joints, such as structural misalignment, orthopedic problems and sports injuries. It can also be used to treat internal diseases.


Moxibustion involves the heating of acupuncture points by smoldering a herb called mugwort. This treatment technique is commonly referred to as moxa. Moxa stimulates circulation, counteracts cold and dampness in the body, and promotes the smooth flow of blood and qi. This safe, non-invasive technique may be used alone, but it is generally used in conjunction with acupuncture treatment.


Qigong means "life energy cultivation" and is traditionally seen as a method to cultivate and balance qi. The practice involves rhythmic movement, focused breathing, and concentrated awareness. Qigong is a safe and gentle meditative exercise that promotes healing of the mind and body.

Dietary Therapy

Confucius, the wise and respected scholar of mid sixth century China, emphasized that one should eat not for pleasure but in order to increase strength and preserve life. Confucius’ basic message about diet and nutrition is that one should follow the ‘middle way.’ This approach means that while food is to be enjoyed and savored, its fundamental purpose is to nourish us and to maintain good health.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dietary therapy contributes to remediation of an illness or disease, assists you in establishing a healthy diet from varied sources of whole foods, and helps you select foods for your specific needs and physical constitution.

Cloud 9 Acupuncture

Jahna Cook MSOM, CA, Dipl.Acu